Flaxby's varying population

Flaxby History – People  1801 – 2013

Flaxby Population Returns 1801-1901 
taken from the Victoria County History - Yorkshire. Vol.3,p530 1907,reprint 1974
1801    -    66 people     (718 acres)                                  
1811   -    59                                                                          
1821   -    78                                                                          
1831   -    96                                                                          
1841   -  102                                                                                                                       
1851    -   117
1861   -    76
1871   -    81
1881    -   81  ( in 15 inhabited houses)
1891    -   53   (in 13 inhabited houses)
1901    -   53
1991    -   108    (from: Knaresborough Library, Loose leaf folders ‘Villages around 
                            Knaresborough’ Vol 2)                                                                           
2000    -   110   (in 40 inhabited houses)     from ‘Goldsborough & Flaxby Millenium                                                                         Book
2013    -   107   ( in 44 inhabited houses)   

Not known if the above figures (pre 2000) include houses in the Goldsborough Estate, ie Station House, and those on York Road, or whether or not they include children.
2013 figures do include children and all houses in Flaxby
Most of the houses in the village today have been in existence only since the 1960’s, just a few remaining from earlier times – Lilliel Cottage (formerly Pond Cottage), The Grange, Hillside (formerly Policeman’s Cottage), Woodmans Cottages, 1-4 York Road (Council Houses).
We don’t yet have much information about the ordinary people of Flaxby, their life and work before the 1841 census. Some are named on maps with reference to tenanted fields and farm.

1758 map of the Estate of Mrs Elizabeth Byerley (Harewood Estate Papers)

A late 18th Century map shows –
Matthew Young at Keepers Cottage - having a homestead, pasture & meadow
G.  Arrowsmith  - had cottage and garden
Jno. Barker - had 2 gardens  (at Lilliel Cottage?)
J Marsh - had cottage & garden
P. Callagy - had cottage & garden
J. H. Tate -  had cottage & garden   
Gravel  & Waste           
                             A total of 14.2 acres in all
Toll Bar house and garden
Land at Flaxby Close (formerly Newton Pastures) was divided into 3 strips and let to Thomas Leatham, Thomas Dickinson and Mr Ibbotson.
Flaxby was and still is in the Parish of Goldsborough and Goldsborough church was used by most people. But there was some interchange between Goldsborough and Allerton –Baptisms, marriages and burials:
Allerton Mauleverer Parish – Bishops Transcripts:
1812 The Rector of Goldsborough married Julie Ann Stourton to Peter Middleton at Allerton Hall.
Flaxby people buried at Allerton: 1835 Catherine Mawson  aged 19
                                                           184   Catherine Mawson  aged 70
                                                           1857 Sarah  ?     aged 18
                                                           1859 Jane Phillips  aged 70